to create after the creation... forward creation.
co = together... together we create.
In the image of that which gave life to all, we are all co-creators. Life created in darkness springs forward into the light. Hence, God as creator is a lie because nature shows us that we do co-create.
God said to go forth and procreate. Procreate is a carefully chosen lie... God does not want us to see ourselves as creators, yet we are to believe we are created in his image and that there is only one creator. Does God lie? Yes... God is a pathological liar.
Nature shows us we are all co-creators. Nature does not lie... we can see the truth with our own eyes... it is everywhere all around us. We only need to look around.
How many realize that when Jesus Christ spoke in parables, he was speaking of natural law? All of the parables, no exception, relate to the immutable laws that govern life on this earth and in the created universe. Laws made by the mother herself... laws like gravity and the natural order of living things. Even Jesus came into the world in the usual way... through a uterus.
Uterus... that's an interesting word.. It's linked directly with the word hysteria. That's why when you get your uterus yanked out, they call it a hysterectomy. Hyst... history... Her Story. We are told Latin is a dead language, yet all words are lies as we are taught them... the Latin reveals this.
It is a false premise that a male god created everything... birthing, bringing forth is a feminine aspect... all sprang from the void... all came from the nothing. No thing is perfect, no thing lasts forever. Gestation only happens in darkness... darkness is the generative and re-generative force. From darkness sprang light... the sun/son.
History... hyst in latin means womb... any history we get from a masculine 'god' is really stolen from her story. That has literally been right there in front of us all this time.
hysteron proteron...
1560s, from Late Latin, from Greek, lit. "the latter (put as) the former." A figure of speech in which what should come last is put first, from hysteron, neut. of hysteros "latter, second, after" (from PIE *ud-tero-, from root *ud- "up, out;" see out) + proteron, neuter of proteros "former."
The former put as the latter should tell you much.
You can only believe what you can see with your own eyes, that which reveals truth to you. Words are not truth, they are merely illusion. The only thing that is real is action or existence (is-ness). When we see that politicians words are in contrast to their result, we see illusion. When Empire speaks about bringing peace and all we see is chaos, their words are not reality. When we stop believing lies, we break the spell.
Male warriors are sent out to protect the women, children and the elderly of the tribe. Not because the women are incapable of fighting, but because if the woman fails, the tribe fails. If 20 women go out to war and only one returns to a village of 20 men, how will the tribe repopulate itself? It is impossible for a single woman to produce enough children to replace the tribe. While man would find this situation pretty close to heaven, at least for a little while. Each woman needs to produce two children just to keep the population going. This is the power of womanhood... to bring forth what is created between the union of man/woman... the off spring makes a trinity. Man/Woman/Creation. This why women need to step up and be the divine feminine... be as nature/the mother/our god intended us to be... and men need to step up and protect the half that completes them... that's us.
Words are magic intended for all and occulted away from all. We have a profoundly difficult time co-creating the future greater humanity desires without truth in our words. All words are lies... all words are not lies only if you know the truth of them.
I illustrate: I have a cigarette lighter. I can only light a cigarette with the lighter itself, the word lighter will never light a cigarette no matter how many times i try. Words are only a reflection of the truth. They do not in and of themselves contain truth.
I further illustrate: Lucifer is painted as the bad guy in the bible. Yet, Lucifer is the morning sun... should we fear the morning sun? I can think of no occasions where Lucifer ever killed anyone, raped, stole, tortured or drank anyone's blood... can you? What do we see... he tempts... well, whoop de do. We see God killing, maiming, p*ssing all over the word every time we turn a biblical page.
Manson... okay, he is a monster, but isn't the greater monster those who committed the act, those who acted who acted on the lies? When we take lies into ourselves as truth, it is we who procreate the evil.
Q: What think you of the statement: There is no reality without language.
A: If you asked a dog or a flea, they would tell you they are real. They are a part of the all. Everything that precedes us creates us... nothing is excluded. Together we co-create our future.
It is not words that give truth to reality...
I can say i love you... without action, the words are meaningless. Conversely, i can say i love you, and empty your bank account.
I do not imply that words cause more harm than good. I contend that the words are illusory without action. Their result is the reality.
We hear “the Word of the Lord” as if the words themselves hold great power. Should you have faith in this Word? We are told the Word of the Lord is all knowing, loving and judicial. What we see in the false words of the Lord is war, famine, death, destruction, hate. Wouldn't an all knowing God make his first commandment "Thou shall not deceive"? Because in hind sight, the problems we are looking at today are all attributable to deception...not serpents, apples or trees of knowledge... not woman alone.
False words have no action, or negative action, such as harm and suffering. True words you can see in reality because if they are truth, they exist... whether good or bad, truth matches the action. False threats are empty... they have no reality. True threats bring action. The word threat does nothing at all... it is all talk and no action. The truth of the words speak to the action we witness. If this action does not match the words, there is no truth in the words. Communication, because we can, only adds finer distinction to reality but communication is not reality. Reality is the action. Reality is the thing... not the word.
If the word of God does not match the action. God cannot be reality as the illusory word proclaims. He cannot be all powerful and all loving because we do not see this. One could argue we have seldom, if ever, seen this, and be correct.
We may see nature as reality because she does not use words, yet we observe she is loving and kind, providing shelter, food, and comfort, providing all, while allowing starvation, homelessness, discomfort and suffering. She allows true free will. She would rather see you happy, fed, sheltered and comfortable. But if this is not what you wish for, she allows that which you wish... she allows free will, wordlessly.
We can agree that words and language are distinction... further, we may agree that certain man named Galloway is a pig. Although we did not always think that Galloway is a pig... and a pig would not agree he is one. Distinctions change with perception.
The primary function of words and language is identity and the conveyance of that identity. In truth, the words themselves only reflect this identity. They are not the true identity itself. It is the action behind the words that give the words their reality.
Q: Did Helen Keller experience reality before she understood words?
A: Of course she did, it is the only reality she could experience without words. If she stepped on a hot coal, she would experience that. I would argue that her reality was truer than most because her reality was not confused by words.
Q: Does reality exist for humans without distinction....identity...or is it all just "isness"?
A: Yes, reality exists for all the created with or without words and yes, it is all is-ness without separation. Our words are just finer distinctions. Helen Keller is proof of this... she could distinguish hot from cold, happiness from fear... she experienced all. All experience is.
to create after the creation... forward creation.
co = together... together we create.
In the image of that which gave life to all, we are all co-creators. Life created in darkness springs forward into the light. Hence, God as creator is a lie because nature shows us that we do co-create.
God said to go forth and procreate. Procreate is a carefully chosen lie... God does not want us to see ourselves as creators, yet we are to believe we are created in his image and that there is only one creator. Does God lie? Yes... God is a pathological liar.
Nature shows us we are all co-creators. Nature does not lie... we can see the truth with our own eyes... it is everywhere all around us. We only need to look around.
How many realize that when Jesus Christ spoke in parables, he was speaking of natural law? All of the parables, no exception, relate to the immutable laws that govern life on this earth and in the created universe. Laws made by the mother herself... laws like gravity and the natural order of living things. Even Jesus came into the world in the usual way... through a uterus.
Uterus... that's an interesting word.. It's linked directly with the word hysteria. That's why when you get your uterus yanked out, they call it a hysterectomy. Hyst... history... Her Story. We are told Latin is a dead language, yet all words are lies as we are taught them... the Latin reveals this.
It is a false premise that a male god created everything... birthing, bringing forth is a feminine aspect... all sprang from the void... all came from the nothing. No thing is perfect, no thing lasts forever. Gestation only happens in darkness... darkness is the generative and re-generative force. From darkness sprang light... the sun/son.
History... hyst in latin means womb... any history we get from a masculine 'god' is really stolen from her story. That has literally been right there in front of us all this time.
hysteron proteron...
1560s, from Late Latin, from Greek, lit. "the latter (put as) the former." A figure of speech in which what should come last is put first, from hysteron, neut. of hysteros "latter, second, after" (from PIE *ud-tero-, from root *ud- "up, out;" see out) + proteron, neuter of proteros "former."
The former put as the latter should tell you much.
You can only believe what you can see with your own eyes, that which reveals truth to you. Words are not truth, they are merely illusion. The only thing that is real is action or existence (is-ness). When we see that politicians words are in contrast to their result, we see illusion. When Empire speaks about bringing peace and all we see is chaos, their words are not reality. When we stop believing lies, we break the spell.
Male warriors are sent out to protect the women, children and the elderly of the tribe. Not because the women are incapable of fighting, but because if the woman fails, the tribe fails. If 20 women go out to war and only one returns to a village of 20 men, how will the tribe repopulate itself? It is impossible for a single woman to produce enough children to replace the tribe. While man would find this situation pretty close to heaven, at least for a little while. Each woman needs to produce two children just to keep the population going. This is the power of womanhood... to bring forth what is created between the union of man/woman... the off spring makes a trinity. Man/Woman/Creation. This why women need to step up and be the divine feminine... be as nature/the mother/our god intended us to be... and men need to step up and protect the half that completes them... that's us.
Words are magic intended for all and occulted away from all. We have a profoundly difficult time co-creating the future greater humanity desires without truth in our words. All words are lies... all words are not lies only if you know the truth of them.
I illustrate: I have a cigarette lighter. I can only light a cigarette with the lighter itself, the word lighter will never light a cigarette no matter how many times i try. Words are only a reflection of the truth. They do not in and of themselves contain truth.
I further illustrate: Lucifer is painted as the bad guy in the bible. Yet, Lucifer is the morning sun... should we fear the morning sun? I can think of no occasions where Lucifer ever killed anyone, raped, stole, tortured or drank anyone's blood... can you? What do we see... he tempts... well, whoop de do. We see God killing, maiming, p*ssing all over the word every time we turn a biblical page.
Manson... okay, he is a monster, but isn't the greater monster those who committed the act, those who acted who acted on the lies? When we take lies into ourselves as truth, it is we who procreate the evil.
Q: What think you of the statement: There is no reality without language.
A: If you asked a dog or a flea, they would tell you they are real. They are a part of the all. Everything that precedes us creates us... nothing is excluded. Together we co-create our future.
It is not words that give truth to reality...
I can say i love you... without action, the words are meaningless. Conversely, i can say i love you, and empty your bank account.
I do not imply that words cause more harm than good. I contend that the words are illusory without action. Their result is the reality.
We hear “the Word of the Lord” as if the words themselves hold great power. Should you have faith in this Word? We are told the Word of the Lord is all knowing, loving and judicial. What we see in the false words of the Lord is war, famine, death, destruction, hate. Wouldn't an all knowing God make his first commandment "Thou shall not deceive"? Because in hind sight, the problems we are looking at today are all attributable to deception...not serpents, apples or trees of knowledge... not woman alone.
False words have no action, or negative action, such as harm and suffering. True words you can see in reality because if they are truth, they exist... whether good or bad, truth matches the action. False threats are empty... they have no reality. True threats bring action. The word threat does nothing at all... it is all talk and no action. The truth of the words speak to the action we witness. If this action does not match the words, there is no truth in the words. Communication, because we can, only adds finer distinction to reality but communication is not reality. Reality is the action. Reality is the thing... not the word.
If the word of God does not match the action. God cannot be reality as the illusory word proclaims. He cannot be all powerful and all loving because we do not see this. One could argue we have seldom, if ever, seen this, and be correct.
We may see nature as reality because she does not use words, yet we observe she is loving and kind, providing shelter, food, and comfort, providing all, while allowing starvation, homelessness, discomfort and suffering. She allows true free will. She would rather see you happy, fed, sheltered and comfortable. But if this is not what you wish for, she allows that which you wish... she allows free will, wordlessly.
We can agree that words and language are distinction... further, we may agree that certain man named Galloway is a pig. Although we did not always think that Galloway is a pig... and a pig would not agree he is one. Distinctions change with perception.
The primary function of words and language is identity and the conveyance of that identity. In truth, the words themselves only reflect this identity. They are not the true identity itself. It is the action behind the words that give the words their reality.
Q: Did Helen Keller experience reality before she understood words?
A: Of course she did, it is the only reality she could experience without words. If she stepped on a hot coal, she would experience that. I would argue that her reality was truer than most because her reality was not confused by words.
Q: Does reality exist for humans without distinction....identity...or is it all just "isness"?
A: Yes, reality exists for all the created with or without words and yes, it is all is-ness without separation. Our words are just finer distinctions. Helen Keller is proof of this... she could distinguish hot from cold, happiness from fear... she experienced all. All experience is.