The following information is not a judgment, it is an opinion based on studied science and medicine as well as congressional record. This information should be reviewed clinically, rationally and without the emotionality of involuntary, knee-jerk programming. All facts cited contain links to their original sources or are otherwise well known and established truths. You are free to draw your own conclusions... I base mine on logic.
There are 112 genetic/hereditary diseases among Jews… among blacks there are two – Myasthenia Gravis and Sickle Cell Anemia... among whites there are none. Efforts abound in trying to induce disease, but so far, we can fend those off and generally clear them up with proper nutrition. It begs the question: Is this what all the genetically modified food is for? What of vaccines? The premise behind vaccines is that introducing the disease to the bloodstream the body builds immunity. Injecting disease to cure disease, in refection, is the opposite of healthy. It is injecting disease.
Increases in polio after immunization...
In New England, six states reported an increase in polio one year after the Salk vaccine immunizations. Incidences increase 642% in Massachusetts and doubled in Vermont. By 1959, 77.5% of Massachusetts' paralysis cases had received 3 doses of IPV (injected polio vaccine). During 1962 U.S. Congressional hearings, Dr. Bernard Greenberg, head of the Dept. of Biostatistics for the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, testified that polio cases increased substantially after the introduction of mandatory vaccines. Although there was a 50% increase from 1957 to 1958 and an 80% increase from 1958 to 1959, he also testified that statistics had been manipulated by the Public Health Service to give the opposite impression. [41] In 1985, the CDCP reported that between 1973 and 1983, 87% of U.S. Polio cases were vaccine induced. They later declared that all but a few imported cases since were also vaccine induced. Most of the imported cases occurred in fully immunized persons.
source: http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Pharmaceutical_industry#Dr._Jonas_Salk_senate_hearings_.26_reporting_of_VAPP
I think the Jewish “race” may be the ones we need to wake up... they are the ones being destroyed historically, and it appears they have been under manipulation far, far longer than the goyem... the healthier, more intelligent and genetically speaking, we are the purer ones. To say otherwise is to ignore the facts.
Take a look at the Jewish Genetic Diseases Consortium page:
Blindness, deafness, spinal diseases, blood disorders, Muscular Distrophy (Jerry Lewis, you had us all donating to a Jewish disease?)... brain, liver, spleen diseases... on and on and on.
If this race is chosen by God, what's the deal?
God, nature really, doesn't infect any of his/her creation with genetic disease... we were all brought into this world perfect. Nature, god if you will, does not reward genetic inbreeding. Genetic inbreeding is not natural in case you miss the point. Nature has in place a system to destroy genetic mutation, and you only need to look to these Jewish diseases to see nature in action.
Race is a Jewish invention. That is probably to sell us on their idea of racism, and they are the only true racists while pointing their fingers at everyone else and using it as a shield to deflect scrutiny or discussion of their role in it... it has been very effective. They do not consider themselves a part of the white or Caucasian people and believe themselves superior of all races. I guess that is technically true since they are the only race on the planet.
Race is not a part of the seven major orders of living living things:
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.
There is no race. No race of fish, no race of chickens, rats... no race. Perhaps when the Jews received the biblical admonition to go out in the world and do good, they were being told by nature to diversify their gene pool… what went wrong? Who or what corrupted them?
Are we dealing with genetically inbred insanity? That is a fair question. We do see they are socially engineering homosexuality, promiscuity and anal sex perversion into the general population. Tools of social engineering utilized are Jewish owned and controlled mainstream television, news, magazines, books, advertising, radio, music and entertainment, alternate medias and the internet and this list may not be all inclusive. The manipulation does not end with medias, it is also imposed through kindergarten and grade school education, in academia and in all military branches. We see it also in the field of medicine.
In studying further the 112 genetic/hereditary Jewish diseases, noticed is an inordinate percentage of insanity relative to general population…a preponderance of brain and neurological disorders which appears to stem from their unclean sexual perversions reinforced by their religion, which is phallic worship. Syphilis originated in the Jewish population which no doubt tainted the entire lineage and has carried through to today through genetic inbreeding.
We could be dealing with, and certainly evidence points to this... the Jews are insane. It may be wise to proceed with this in mind, we are not going to be able to appeal to any sense of sanity if there is none there
In researching Jewish genetic hereditary disease and insanity, I kept coming up with syphilis... putting two and two together and knowing there was no known cure until penicillin came along during WWII made the connection for me. It is not a reach... but i doubt you will find published studies on that topic. Crazy is a distant cousin. Insane is their sister/mother/wife and other such incestuous arrangements.
A reference to inbreeding and insanity from the Jewish Encyclopedia...
As is the case with all the physical, mental, and intellectual traits of the Jews, consanguineous marriages have been considered a cause of a great part of the insanity among them. The Jews, it is well known, are very neurotic, as is manifested by the frequency of various nervous affections among them (see Nervous Diseases); and the marriage of relatives who are affected by a neurotic taint has been positively proved to be detrimental to the succeeding generation. In one generation the neuropathy may manifest itself as hysteria; in another, as some organic or functional nervous affection, then as insanity, etc. The chances of thus perpetuating the nervous strain in families by consanguineous marriages are therefore greater among Jews than among peoples in whom nervous diseases are less frequent.
I can think of no examples in nature of animals inbreeding, except on a uni-cellular level wherein one splits oneself in half. Don't get me wrong, animals will inbreed, but it will screw up their genetics real quick. Wolves travel in packs, but when a male wolf comes of age, he gets kicked out of the pack and not allowed to mate within. Most animals either kick out the male or female when it comes time to breed. It's nature... animals listen to nature.
Mental illness is caused by many factors across all genetic lines... stress, abuse and poor nutrition are factors which create mental imbalance. A huge point, however, is the 112 genetic diseases unique to the Jews which is medical confirmation that something is awry and the correlation to parasites (syphilis is a parasite) is a smoking gun that crosses into every form of blood disease and parasites love the brain.
Tie in phallic worship and blood drinking. Benjamin Freedman, a prominent and vehement, self proclaimed ex-Jew, disclosed the Khazar as phallic worshipers as were other pagan religions from that time. The Khazar and other Jewish tribes raped, sacked, pillaged, drank blood and practiced occult religion. Hittite, Mayan and Canaanite had similar blood rituals of drinking blood and eating flesh and phallic worship.
Phallic worship ties into circumcision. When did sucking the blood from the circumcised baby's bleeding penis become part of the Jewish circumcision ritual? We have recently heard where an infant died from hepatitis contracted from the infected Moyle who performed the circumcision ritual.
AshkenAzi which is largely the Khazar, false Jew since they are not of the tribe of Shem, adapted Judaism in 740 and were of Turkish mongrel descent and they were occultic, pagan, phallic worshiping, blood drinking, cannibalistic, sodomites, with a reputation for being quite filthy in habit and culture.
It is not a stretch to attribute the appearance of syphilis among early Jewish tribes to inbreeding, unclean sexual practices, and certainly blood rituals may factor in. Biblically there are admonitions and prohibitions against drinking blood. Syphilis leads to insanity and that, prior to antibiotics, led to brain and spinal disorders which then became genetic traits carried through the blood line. That only makes sense.
This from the Jewish Genetic Diseases Org. Site:
Genetics and Carrier Screening... The Basics of Genetic Inheritance: How Diseases are Inherited
If both parents are carriers), there is a 1-in-4 chance for each pregnancy that the child will be affected by the disease.
In an autosomal recessive condition (such as most Jewish genetic diseases), persons who inherit only one mutated gene show no signs of disease, but persons who inherit two mutated genes will be affected by the disease.
If two carriers of the same disease(s) have children, there is a 1-in-4 (25%) chance with each pregnancy that their child will be affected with that disease, a 2-in-4 (50%) chance that the child will be a carrier, and a 1-in-4 (25%) chance that the child will neither be affected nor a carrier.
It is important to note that the 1-in-4 chance of having an affected child is for each pregnancy, regardless of the outcome of prior pregnancies.
Looking at it holistically, syphilis would likely not have turned up in white culture on its own. The reason it did in the Jewish culture is because of the already weakened genetics due to inbreeding. It is the weakened genetics coupled with unclean habits like sodomy and the mixing of vaginal fluids with feces that allowed for the incubation of pathogens which take hold on a weakened organism that you would not see in healthier groups.
Syphilis, a bacterial parasite, left untreated, can damage the heart, aorta, brain, eyes, and bones. What we do see in Jewish genetic diseases is... brain disorders, bone disorders, blindness... to mention a few.
Genetic inbreeding weakened the bloodline, then the bugs came in and attacked. Bugs are nature's garbage disposers. That is not an insult, that is the purpose of bugs, fungi, and mold... to break down decaying organic matter. As is sunlight, water... anything not human, in short, is engaged in the regenerative process. Humans contribute too but we have more of a destructive nature... we work less in harmony with nature, to our great detriment. Do you think there was a plague of locusts prior to our having planted massive farmlands?
It is only logical to conclude that circumcision may have been brought about in an attempt to stem the spread of syphilis that was decimating their tribe. We get the story that it was to mark the slaves, but I think that any man would have to have a much better cover story than "you are a slave" to let someone come at their manhood with a knife... that would be ample reason for revolt. This is conjecture, but when you think it through, it makes more sense.
Circumcision didn't happen only in infancy in biblical times, not at first. Since the sore, the chancre, shows up at the primary point of contact, it lends reason to the whole circumcision idea as a way to cut away the disease itself... later to stem the spread thereof.
Here's an extensive site on syphilis:
I am getting a sense that all our STDs, bubonic plague, the poxes and leprosy originated in the Jew. Douglas Owsley, the famed physical anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution, has written that many medieval European cases of leprosy, colloquially called "lepra," were actually cases of syphilis. Although folklore claimed that syphilis was unknown in Europe until the return of the diseased sailors of the Columbian voyages, Owsley noted that a Chinese medical case recorded in 2637 B.C.E. seems to be describing a case of syphilis, and that a European writer who recorded an outbreak of "lepra" in 1303 C.E. is "clearly describing syphilis". Linked here: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/syphilis
Is it a wonder we have the term "dirty jew" in our lexicon? That sounds like a statement of ignorance, but then again, is it? In fairness, I would have to say it is also engendered by the Jews themselves in their particular penchant of projecting on the general public that which they themselves are wholly guilty of. Their "blame the victim" mentality is legendary.
For those who recoil in horror at these revelations, we are all basically Jews. The difference in white culture is genetic diversity. It needs to be stressed, however, vaccines, genetically modified foods, processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, fluoride, toxic chem-trails and myriad other poisons are being forced on a largely unsuspecting population daily.
Nature is acting to remove these defective bloodlines from the planet... are those bloodlines trying to remove the rest of us? If the Jews are not doing it, who is? And if the Jews are not doing it, where's their outrage these deeds are being undertaken in their names. They, unlike us, can get the word out, they own the media.
The following information is not a judgment, it is an opinion based on studied science and medicine as well as congressional record. This information should be reviewed clinically, rationally and without the emotionality of involuntary, knee-jerk programming. All facts cited contain links to their original sources or are otherwise well known and established truths. You are free to draw your own conclusions... I base mine on logic.
There are 112 genetic/hereditary diseases among Jews… among blacks there are two – Myasthenia Gravis and Sickle Cell Anemia... among whites there are none. Efforts abound in trying to induce disease, but so far, we can fend those off and generally clear them up with proper nutrition. It begs the question: Is this what all the genetically modified food is for? What of vaccines? The premise behind vaccines is that introducing the disease to the bloodstream the body builds immunity. Injecting disease to cure disease, in refection, is the opposite of healthy. It is injecting disease.
Increases in polio after immunization...
In New England, six states reported an increase in polio one year after the Salk vaccine immunizations. Incidences increase 642% in Massachusetts and doubled in Vermont. By 1959, 77.5% of Massachusetts' paralysis cases had received 3 doses of IPV (injected polio vaccine). During 1962 U.S. Congressional hearings, Dr. Bernard Greenberg, head of the Dept. of Biostatistics for the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, testified that polio cases increased substantially after the introduction of mandatory vaccines. Although there was a 50% increase from 1957 to 1958 and an 80% increase from 1958 to 1959, he also testified that statistics had been manipulated by the Public Health Service to give the opposite impression. [41] In 1985, the CDCP reported that between 1973 and 1983, 87% of U.S. Polio cases were vaccine induced. They later declared that all but a few imported cases since were also vaccine induced. Most of the imported cases occurred in fully immunized persons.
source: http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Pharmaceutical_industry#Dr._Jonas_Salk_senate_hearings_.26_reporting_of_VAPP
I think the Jewish “race” may be the ones we need to wake up... they are the ones being destroyed historically, and it appears they have been under manipulation far, far longer than the goyem... the healthier, more intelligent and genetically speaking, we are the purer ones. To say otherwise is to ignore the facts.
Take a look at the Jewish Genetic Diseases Consortium page:
Blindness, deafness, spinal diseases, blood disorders, Muscular Distrophy (Jerry Lewis, you had us all donating to a Jewish disease?)... brain, liver, spleen diseases... on and on and on.
If this race is chosen by God, what's the deal?
God, nature really, doesn't infect any of his/her creation with genetic disease... we were all brought into this world perfect. Nature, god if you will, does not reward genetic inbreeding. Genetic inbreeding is not natural in case you miss the point. Nature has in place a system to destroy genetic mutation, and you only need to look to these Jewish diseases to see nature in action.
Race is a Jewish invention. That is probably to sell us on their idea of racism, and they are the only true racists while pointing their fingers at everyone else and using it as a shield to deflect scrutiny or discussion of their role in it... it has been very effective. They do not consider themselves a part of the white or Caucasian people and believe themselves superior of all races. I guess that is technically true since they are the only race on the planet.
Race is not a part of the seven major orders of living living things:
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.
There is no race. No race of fish, no race of chickens, rats... no race. Perhaps when the Jews received the biblical admonition to go out in the world and do good, they were being told by nature to diversify their gene pool… what went wrong? Who or what corrupted them?
Are we dealing with genetically inbred insanity? That is a fair question. We do see they are socially engineering homosexuality, promiscuity and anal sex perversion into the general population. Tools of social engineering utilized are Jewish owned and controlled mainstream television, news, magazines, books, advertising, radio, music and entertainment, alternate medias and the internet and this list may not be all inclusive. The manipulation does not end with medias, it is also imposed through kindergarten and grade school education, in academia and in all military branches. We see it also in the field of medicine.
In studying further the 112 genetic/hereditary Jewish diseases, noticed is an inordinate percentage of insanity relative to general population…a preponderance of brain and neurological disorders which appears to stem from their unclean sexual perversions reinforced by their religion, which is phallic worship. Syphilis originated in the Jewish population which no doubt tainted the entire lineage and has carried through to today through genetic inbreeding.
We could be dealing with, and certainly evidence points to this... the Jews are insane. It may be wise to proceed with this in mind, we are not going to be able to appeal to any sense of sanity if there is none there
In researching Jewish genetic hereditary disease and insanity, I kept coming up with syphilis... putting two and two together and knowing there was no known cure until penicillin came along during WWII made the connection for me. It is not a reach... but i doubt you will find published studies on that topic. Crazy is a distant cousin. Insane is their sister/mother/wife and other such incestuous arrangements.
A reference to inbreeding and insanity from the Jewish Encyclopedia...
As is the case with all the physical, mental, and intellectual traits of the Jews, consanguineous marriages have been considered a cause of a great part of the insanity among them. The Jews, it is well known, are very neurotic, as is manifested by the frequency of various nervous affections among them (see Nervous Diseases); and the marriage of relatives who are affected by a neurotic taint has been positively proved to be detrimental to the succeeding generation. In one generation the neuropathy may manifest itself as hysteria; in another, as some organic or functional nervous affection, then as insanity, etc. The chances of thus perpetuating the nervous strain in families by consanguineous marriages are therefore greater among Jews than among peoples in whom nervous diseases are less frequent.
I can think of no examples in nature of animals inbreeding, except on a uni-cellular level wherein one splits oneself in half. Don't get me wrong, animals will inbreed, but it will screw up their genetics real quick. Wolves travel in packs, but when a male wolf comes of age, he gets kicked out of the pack and not allowed to mate within. Most animals either kick out the male or female when it comes time to breed. It's nature... animals listen to nature.
Mental illness is caused by many factors across all genetic lines... stress, abuse and poor nutrition are factors which create mental imbalance. A huge point, however, is the 112 genetic diseases unique to the Jews which is medical confirmation that something is awry and the correlation to parasites (syphilis is a parasite) is a smoking gun that crosses into every form of blood disease and parasites love the brain.
Tie in phallic worship and blood drinking. Benjamin Freedman, a prominent and vehement, self proclaimed ex-Jew, disclosed the Khazar as phallic worshipers as were other pagan religions from that time. The Khazar and other Jewish tribes raped, sacked, pillaged, drank blood and practiced occult religion. Hittite, Mayan and Canaanite had similar blood rituals of drinking blood and eating flesh and phallic worship.
Phallic worship ties into circumcision. When did sucking the blood from the circumcised baby's bleeding penis become part of the Jewish circumcision ritual? We have recently heard where an infant died from hepatitis contracted from the infected Moyle who performed the circumcision ritual.
AshkenAzi which is largely the Khazar, false Jew since they are not of the tribe of Shem, adapted Judaism in 740 and were of Turkish mongrel descent and they were occultic, pagan, phallic worshiping, blood drinking, cannibalistic, sodomites, with a reputation for being quite filthy in habit and culture.
It is not a stretch to attribute the appearance of syphilis among early Jewish tribes to inbreeding, unclean sexual practices, and certainly blood rituals may factor in. Biblically there are admonitions and prohibitions against drinking blood. Syphilis leads to insanity and that, prior to antibiotics, led to brain and spinal disorders which then became genetic traits carried through the blood line. That only makes sense.
This from the Jewish Genetic Diseases Org. Site:
Genetics and Carrier Screening... The Basics of Genetic Inheritance: How Diseases are Inherited
If both parents are carriers), there is a 1-in-4 chance for each pregnancy that the child will be affected by the disease.
In an autosomal recessive condition (such as most Jewish genetic diseases), persons who inherit only one mutated gene show no signs of disease, but persons who inherit two mutated genes will be affected by the disease.
If two carriers of the same disease(s) have children, there is a 1-in-4 (25%) chance with each pregnancy that their child will be affected with that disease, a 2-in-4 (50%) chance that the child will be a carrier, and a 1-in-4 (25%) chance that the child will neither be affected nor a carrier.
It is important to note that the 1-in-4 chance of having an affected child is for each pregnancy, regardless of the outcome of prior pregnancies.
Looking at it holistically, syphilis would likely not have turned up in white culture on its own. The reason it did in the Jewish culture is because of the already weakened genetics due to inbreeding. It is the weakened genetics coupled with unclean habits like sodomy and the mixing of vaginal fluids with feces that allowed for the incubation of pathogens which take hold on a weakened organism that you would not see in healthier groups.
Syphilis, a bacterial parasite, left untreated, can damage the heart, aorta, brain, eyes, and bones. What we do see in Jewish genetic diseases is... brain disorders, bone disorders, blindness... to mention a few.
Genetic inbreeding weakened the bloodline, then the bugs came in and attacked. Bugs are nature's garbage disposers. That is not an insult, that is the purpose of bugs, fungi, and mold... to break down decaying organic matter. As is sunlight, water... anything not human, in short, is engaged in the regenerative process. Humans contribute too but we have more of a destructive nature... we work less in harmony with nature, to our great detriment. Do you think there was a plague of locusts prior to our having planted massive farmlands?
It is only logical to conclude that circumcision may have been brought about in an attempt to stem the spread of syphilis that was decimating their tribe. We get the story that it was to mark the slaves, but I think that any man would have to have a much better cover story than "you are a slave" to let someone come at their manhood with a knife... that would be ample reason for revolt. This is conjecture, but when you think it through, it makes more sense.
Circumcision didn't happen only in infancy in biblical times, not at first. Since the sore, the chancre, shows up at the primary point of contact, it lends reason to the whole circumcision idea as a way to cut away the disease itself... later to stem the spread thereof.
Here's an extensive site on syphilis:
I am getting a sense that all our STDs, bubonic plague, the poxes and leprosy originated in the Jew. Douglas Owsley, the famed physical anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution, has written that many medieval European cases of leprosy, colloquially called "lepra," were actually cases of syphilis. Although folklore claimed that syphilis was unknown in Europe until the return of the diseased sailors of the Columbian voyages, Owsley noted that a Chinese medical case recorded in 2637 B.C.E. seems to be describing a case of syphilis, and that a European writer who recorded an outbreak of "lepra" in 1303 C.E. is "clearly describing syphilis". Linked here: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/syphilis
Is it a wonder we have the term "dirty jew" in our lexicon? That sounds like a statement of ignorance, but then again, is it? In fairness, I would have to say it is also engendered by the Jews themselves in their particular penchant of projecting on the general public that which they themselves are wholly guilty of. Their "blame the victim" mentality is legendary.
For those who recoil in horror at these revelations, we are all basically Jews. The difference in white culture is genetic diversity. It needs to be stressed, however, vaccines, genetically modified foods, processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, fluoride, toxic chem-trails and myriad other poisons are being forced on a largely unsuspecting population daily.
Nature is acting to remove these defective bloodlines from the planet... are those bloodlines trying to remove the rest of us? If the Jews are not doing it, who is? And if the Jews are not doing it, where's their outrage these deeds are being undertaken in their names. They, unlike us, can get the word out, they own the media.